Wednesday 3 August 2011


Working with on A1 sheet of paper students will draw on only that sheet to discover their project. While drawing students will capture the process and produce an animation that reinforces and produce an animation that reinforces the ideas and concepts on the drawn sheet.

1. Students were given site area for a walkabout and pick a certain area they would like to build a place to wake up depending on their preference and feelings.

2. A specific area were given and students will pick their favourite area within that given area (photo below showing triangle of given site).

3. Next photo shows the area I picked for my place to wakeup which is the Arena Carpark building that stand between the GE building and the Qubac Apartments.

4. Next four sets of drawings are a blowups of my preferred site location and showing my place to wakeup on top of the Arena carpark at scale 1:1000 at A4.

5. Then a Floor plan 1:500 at A4 of the locations of the wakeup place with preferred location on top of the Arena Carpark building.

6. Next sets of drawings are stuff actually on site and were used for design the wakeup building.

Series of circles joining by thick white lines along the pathway beside the Arena Carpark.

Trees along the walkway beside the new apartments located together with Arena Carpark all decorated as shown by photos as their base.

7. With the stuff shown above came the idea of building a circular place for waking up from the series of circles and used the decorated base of the trees and plants for the exterior wall shown below in steps of how it progressed.

8. Isometric Elevated view of the wakeup place in steps of working.

This final view shows my idea of lightness with the use of shadows to represent the sun location.  This came from the idea that I like waking up in the morning and firstly see the sunlight therefore the location on the roof have full access to the sun all day.

9. Lastly is my idea of view as I like to wake up and see the ocean therefore  the perforated like wall giveway to view the waterfront when you wakeup and give you a sense of feeling special that you are on top of everyone else and seeing the ocean and its activities gives you a happiness and joyful feeling. You might also feel like a superstar living in the contemporary high rise apartments and on top of everything else that drives to really want to wakeup everyday and enjoy the space.

10. And this is the Animation video of the work being done for the place to WAKE UP.

Feel free to post comment thanks.

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