Wednesday 10 August 2011


After handing in Week 2-3 final projects, students were required to do PEER CRITS where each student's work crited by three other students and then later joined in with two other students to do crits of different 3 other student's works.  So that means I was supposed to do the crit of three students from Virtual/Reactive Architecture but unfortunately one student could not make it to the peer crit sessions.

1. Koh, Kyung Min got the idea of resting in an open space then waking up and look at a specific space thinking of going there.  But unfortunately as you get closer, suddenly a wall pop up and blocked you from getting there easily therefore have to find your way through series of walls to get to where you wanted to go. Like the use of blobs with color as walls and the sudden apperance when you start walking towards a certain place forcing yourself to wonder around to get to where you want to go. Walls were erected in like a maze that confuses you when you walk within it to get to where you need to go. Like the idea of waking up and you decide where to go and suddenly a wall appeared forcing you to find another way to get to where you want to go and his site was the island by the Te Tau Residence and Vector Arena.

2. Chen, Linbing had the idea of creating a place that relate yourself and the real world to the imaginary world in your dream.  Sometimes you wake up and experience strange things and never realise that you are still dreaming.  The only time you realise its the real world is when you look outside and see normal things then you know its the real world out there.  She used round glass materials for her wakeup place to relate the interior to the outside environment but the use of fur not really convey the idea of warm inside the place but the spiral entrance and spiralling starfish shape like stuff outside kind of interesting but not really convey the idea of scary but like they said, its a good effort and ideas about  the wakeup place.

3. Ratana, Louis was absent due sickness but hope to see some great work from this student.

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